Calleigh’s 2nd month
Weight: 5.2 kilos
I started teaching Calleigh baby sign language since day 1. ^_^ (kahit di pa makakita ng malinaw okay lang) At her 2nd month she knows how to communicate with us. She knows how to make a sign for milk and play. ^_^ So cute! ^_^ So, less crying for her and I can say she’s developing her speaking skills really fast... She talks non-stop! Then she puts her self to sleep. ^_^ (hehehe) The only time she gets cranky if she needs to poop, if its too hot and late bath time. Some say I’m one of the lucky few coz she sleeps through the night, i hope this will be her sleeping pattern. ^_^
teaching her the sign of "play" |
Making the sign of "play"
Trying to make the sign for "milk"
First time she giggles ^^
Here are some new things she's been doing:
*She can now hold her head steady
*She can focus on objects and appreciate some of her toys,
*Move her head from side to side
*Loves watching barney and listening to nursery rhymes
*Talking to her fishes and butterflies while she lays in bed
*Looking when we say her name
*Getting pretty good at sitting up with support
more to come... hello 3rd month... ^_^