Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Sunday, July 25, 2010

First "Solid Food"

Calleigh is already a six-month-old, and it's time to introduce “solid food”. The doctor’s advice was to give her Cerelac first while teaching her how to eat. We can introduce 3 different kinds of food to her in a month. One new food a week for observation. If Calleigh has no allergies to the food after a week, then we can add another one.
Cerelac - Wheat and Milk

It was so much fun seeing her expression while preparing her food. She looked really curious. I think she was already craving for it! Then I fed her 1/4 spoon of Cerelac, amazing...she quickly leaned forward to catch the spoon!

I will slowly plan out her meals, and not expose her too fast, so she won't have to adjust to change too frequently, and later, might refuse food. I read somewhere that babies get bored very fast with their food, and if we keep changing their meals, we will end up with a baby with no appetite for food.

Date: July 23, 2010

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