Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Friday, November 26, 2010


Calleigh is 10 months old now and been sleeping through the night. But still, I'm a HORRIBLY light sleeper.  

Why? - my husband snores all the time! Tried - waking him up with a sharp elbow to the ribs accompanied by a command to "roll over on your side" (which, incidently, almost ALWAYS results in him going "I'm already on my side" while he lays there, ON HIS BACK.) And guess what? Calleigh snores too!!!

but not every night though, a couple of times a week. Heehee! CUTE!!! nothing to worry about my baby snoring. According to this article. ^^

Anyway, the real reason for being a light sleeper --- Aaaahhh! "Praning" Mommy mode. Even if she sleeps with us, I still wake up in the wee hours just to check on her. ^^

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