Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Scribble scribble

Recently, I've noticed that Calleigh seemed very curious about pens, markers and pencils again. (started scribbling when she was 9months old) She has, up till recently, had the tendency to find pens, no matter how hard I tried to hide them and find a way to scribble on the floor, her mat, toys and on her skin and ate's face and legs. We let her use the gift she received from Kuya Malik, a mat and a pen which you can fill with regular tap water.(forgot the name of it hehe!)
water turns "ink" but only on the surface of the drawing mat, after she drew on the mat, drawing disappear in minutes. ^^
Thank you, Kuya Malik! ^^

But she's more interested with pens and markers... haist!

so, i downloaded an app she can doodle with. 
calleigh: this is elmo and fish
 calleigh: fish
 calleigh: whale
 calleigh: this is mama

heehee! The end!

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