Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gerber Graduates

Gerber Graduates

I recently bought this Gerber Graduates lil' entrees for Calleigh to try. I saw it while looking for milk at Rustan's supermarket. Looks delicious right? Highlights of this product: It's microwavable, 1/4 cup vegetables, 5g of protein, 10% DV for 5 vitamins and minerals...

Did You Know?
This product combined with 1/2 cup of 2% milk (vitamin A & D fortified) has 40% of the toddler daily value for protein, 12 vitamins and minerals and 440mg of potassium.
Divider tray keeps entree and veggies separate

Nutrition Specially Made for Toddlers 

Toddlers need about 1,000 calories a day and it's important to make sure every bite counts. GRADUATES Lil' Entrées® products are specially made for toddler developmental & nutritional needs.

Good to Remember

  • Tender pieces - with the right size and texture
  • "Tastes so good, makes meal time enjoyable" - let's see about that!
This is what the actual food looks like... 
 Except for the fish cracker... heehee! got it from Super bowl, Calleigh likes it e... hehe!

Calleigh took one bite and spit it out and wouldn't touch another bite. UGH!!! I feel bad that I purchased two of this (mac and cheese and mash potato with chicken) and tried giving it to Calleigh. The taste was awful!!! I taste everything before I give it to Calleigh and that's the most disgusting thing that I have ever tried.    On top of that, the food does not smell good. For the price, it's a rip off.  
 This is P189 - like 3 tablespoons of mac and cheese

I really can't blame Calleigh...Even Jayjay doesn't like the taste of it. Geeee!  
Gerber provides a quality product, but they seriously need to try again with this one. I would not recommend this to anyone.  Let your child eat what you eat... 

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