Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Saturday, January 23, 2010


39th week
honey its time!!!
I started my 39th week of pregnancy January 22, 2010, a little bit worried because my baby was still positioned a little too high, and my cervix was 1 cm dilated for the past 3 weeks. I was already feeling some pains in my abdomen and continuously felt hardening in my tummy.

Series of labor:
5:00 am – had irregular contractions 15-30 minutes interval. I wasn’t sure if its true labor pains and I don’t think it’s time to call my doctor yet. I tried to go back to sleep. Jayjay arrived home at around 10:00 or 11:00 am from the office.
11:30 am – contractions interval was every 15 minutes.
12:00 nn – had our lunch and after eating we went outside the garage and did some walking. At this time, contractions come and go every 5 minutes with each contraction lasting for about a minute.
1:15 - I decided to text my OB and inform her about my situation and she said I need to see her ASAP. I knew it! ^_^ So, Jayjay and I packed our bags, get dressed and went to the hospital at around 2:00 pm. (GOSH LAHAT NG TRAFFIC DAANAN DAW BA NAMIN)
3:00 pm – When we arrived at the hospital, I was 3 cm dilating. My OB said I need to be admitted within the day however, it would take some time before the 10cm mark so I can still go out and walk but I’m not allowed to eat heavy meal. We decided to go to Tiendesitas. On the road, I texted my family and friends to pray for me and Calleigh. SURPRISINGLY, I WAS A LOT CALMER THAN I THOUGHT I’D BE.
5:00 pm – had our mirienda. My request – HALO-HALO! ^_^ while waiting for my mom and kuya Hanz.
6:30pm – they had their dinner. Contractions still come and go every 5 minutes and lasting about 1 minute. We stayed at Tiendesitas until 9pm.
9:00pm – I was too tired and sleepy, so I decided to go back to the hospital.
9:30pm – 5th floor – PRE-LABOR ROOM – Upon admission, I am 4cm dilating. I was immediately hooked up on the fetal monitor and the contraction monitor. I stayed there for about an hour then they transferred me to Labor Room.
10:30 pm – they’re still monitoring my contractions, blood pressure and baby’s heartbeat. They gave me something to make my contractions stronger.
11:00 pm – Nurse: Strong contraction to ah, masakit? Nararamdaman mo? Me: ah ok lang, normal lang yung pain. Nurse: ah okay, sigurado ka? Kasi masakit na to. Me: okay lang talaga. (smiled) So, I continued praying while staring at the clock.

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