Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Calleigh's 10th month photos

My 10 month old Calleigh has been a learning machine. She has mastered crawling up and over steps, pulling up to stand, sitting down from standing, letting go when standing (this one is really scary!) and is on her way to walking!

As for the rest of this month's amazing new developments:

Baby sign language – mastered the sign for Milk, play, eat, bath, more, fish, butterfly, dog, stars, come, up, no, sleep, telephone, ball, balloon, book, car and so on... ^^ kalimutan ko na yung iba. 

Words: No, go, bath, pretending that she’s counting (babble words), “ganda”, mum, daddy, papa, mama, milk, lora – Dora, pin – Upin Ipin, Mo – elmo, Te – Ate, Ta – Tita, Ya – Kuya Hanz and recently she started saying her name – Calleigh. ^^ 

She likes singing and dancing – nursery ryhymes and old music ofcourse. She hates super ingay na music.
She sometimes holds her bottle while watching elmo or upin and ipin.

She still has 4 teeth, my little spongebob. She definitely likes to bite ME and other things, though. Including things that I think are way too hard for her to be biting.

She is sharing. It's adorable. She loves to hand me things and to feed me her foods. sweet. 

She can express her wants and needs through expressions and most importantly, gestures! It makes things much easier.

She’s not a picky eater anymore but she is becoming more and more difficult to feed. Now that she is so much more active and always wanting to play.... it's sometimes hard to get her to concentrate on eating.

She has started to "fight sleep." I have always been very proud of Caleligh’s sleeping habits. But now that she is nearing the toddler years, it seems as though she is always on the go and doesn't want to miss a moment of what the world may have to offer her.  She still has 2 naps everyday and sleeps completely through the night. It's getting her to FALL asleep that is complicated.

She also has just recently started blowing us kisses.
She is already a daredevil and tries to climb up on us all the time!

Can't wait to see what 11th month brings... Let the countdown to Calleigh’s first birthday begin!

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