Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Friday, January 21, 2011

Calleigh's 11th month photos

Calleigh's 11th month photos

Wipee!!! Calleigh's turning 1 on Sunday. ^^ We are all excited! We've been teaching Calleigh on how to blow a candle in preparation for her birthday.  She's been trying, but the air comes out of her nose and not her mouth! I gave it a thought and realized that she is applying what I taught her the time she was sick. Whenever I say "blow", she thinks that I am telling her to blow her nose to ease the congestion.

This month, Calleigh has been perfecting a lot of things. She hasn't changed that much...

Her development continues to amaze me.

1. Baby sign language: Milk, play, bath, dad, mom, no, stop, fish, butterfly, dog, duck, bird, car, book, ball, cat, more, sleep, yes, up, down, no more, finish, stars, eat, come, airplane, telephone.

2. She can now say the words: Daddy or Dada, Mum, Mama, Papa, Hi, Bye-bye, Car, "nos" - nose, "eees" - ears, "ays" - eyes, "B" - baby, "Mik" or "Dede" - Milk, "Dddddora" - Dora (she's actually singing the dora song every time she sees dora the explorer), "bafly" - butterfly, "Te" - Ate, "fawr" - Flower, "ish" - fish, "Ayt" - light, "sik piz" - Music please.... and so on... ^^

3. Mimicking sounds: Her favorite "MONSTER", Dog, Cat, Tiger, Duck, Cow, Bird, Baby and "ME" when I'm angry. (Calleigh will say like this: Aaahhh nya nya nya nya nya ha! HA! HA?)

4. She still loves playing peek a boo and hide-and-go seek and he likes to wave. Has been blowing kisses for a long time now, but now makes the accompanying smacking noises! Mwah!

5.  She likes to act silly and make jokes and loves to dance. 

6. We are still working on the whole "no" thing, he understands for sure and minds most of the time but likes to test me too of course.

7. She loves to play with anything around the computer and likes watching animated butterflies, birds and fishes and her Nickelodeon friends (umizoomi, dora, spongebob, backyardigans, ben and holly) from youtube. 

8. She seems very interested in colors and numbers lately. I've been doing lots of counting and identifying with her. She listens so eagerly to everything I say.

9. She can identify almost everything from nose, eyes, hair, mouth, colors to her toys by pointing when asked. 

10. Her favorite things still consists of climbing onto everything. She still loves her stuffed animals. She loves to be held and cuddled and kisses. She loves to have her hair brushed. And she discovered a cabinet this month that we have cleaned out especially for her. She stays forever entertained! 

11. She still enjoys looking at books, leafing through the pages and pretending that she's reading.

Now here she is...a stunning, thriving 1 year old little girl that I can't imagine in any other way. 

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