Hanz and Calleigh's World

Hanz and Calleigh's World

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Calleigh's first taste of freedom

Baby proofing the entire house is impossible! However, cluttering our home or even our own room with "no-nos" will deprive her with her freedom and create more restrictions that she can possibly absorb! It will also frustrate her... So, I'm giving Calleigh a little taste of "freedom"... Ssssshhhh!

See? No slippers and she's on the floor without rubber mats!
Hala sige anak! gapang pa!

Ahem! ONLY "under my supervision"
Allowing her to explore and experiment within limits, adds to her growing independence and confidence.

No matter how many toys litter the family room, babies/toddlers often prefer emptying kitchen cupboards so they can play with the pots and pans. If you're tired of picking up after your child, put childproof locks on all your cabinets except for one that you leave open for exploration. To keep things interesting, put a different selection of unbreakable objects, such as wooden spoons, pots and pans, plastic cups, etc., in the cabinet every few days. Your child will love investigating what's behind the door and in the process she'll practice her "grasp and release" skills and try to figure out the cause and effect of what she's doing.

And according to this site:
Walking barefoot, on grass or sand, is actually good for a toddler because it helps build muscles in the lower legs while developing a sense of balance. Once your child is able and wants to walk in places where she might injure her feet, however, you'll need to put shoes on her.  

Now, look at Calleigh's feet! Pinalakad ng dad ko ng walang slippers sa living room!!! Aaarrrggghhh! not my fault! ^^

Setting age-appropriate limits and boundaries gives babies the freedom and security to learn, try new things and have fun in a safe, loving environment.

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